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Fog and Nature

Carbon Assessment

Accurately assesses the carbon stored in your forest

Forests are increasingly acknowledged to be a sound investment, not only for potential forest products such as timber, but from their potential carbon value - whether used to generate carbon credits that are sold on the voluntary carbon market, or invested in to offset a company’s GHG emissions from operations.


Carbon Assessment within woodland projects is currently a boots on the ground activity, with fieldwork periodically completed for verification of carbon credits. 


After 8-10 years, the trees can become impenetrable and difficult to measure by field estimation. 


Our Carbon Assessment will survey your specified area by a drone or aircraft using LiDAR technology to accurately assess the carbon stored in your project. This will give you important information to estimate the amount of carbon sequestered (i.e. the amount of carbon captured and stored within the forest) to help:

  • Assess potential value of carbon credit

  • Due diligence of carbon projects

  • Verification of credits


Best used for: high resolution, bespoke assessment of your project 

Best for: Landowners, carbon offtakers, rural estate agents 


Currently available for all regions in Scotland


Price: from £5000


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