New woodland locks up carbon and supports nature's recovery as well as providing extra income in the form of carbon credits.
In order to manage or create new woodlands, landowners, farmers and rural planners need to understand which areas are suitable for planting new trees.
The Future Woodlands report rapidly provides insights using trusted datasets for your area of interest, that should be considered when assessing suitability for planting new woodlands.
The report quickly provides information on current and historic land cover including the presence of any ancient woodlands, as well as giving information on soil type and climatic suitability for planting, enabling users to identify potential woodland sites and minimise wasting resources in unsuitable areas.
The Scottish Government has ambitious plans to increase woodland cover in Scotland, and funding is available via the Forestry Grant Scheme for the creation of new woodland and sustainable management of existing woodland. To support an application for woodland creation to the forestry scheme, you can use the Future Woodlands report as a method to target field resources and as an input to your Woodland Creation Operational Plan.
Best used for: high level assessment of prospective locations for woodland planting
Currently Available for all regions in Scotland.
Price: from £250
Get in touch here if you have more than one area.